Without familiar abstractions people are not able to use their previous experiences to develop expectations and practices regarding interaction with new public displays. For users, the lack of well-known interaction abstractions is also a problem, as they need to deal with inconsistent interaction models across different displays. In addition, each developer replicates this effort, potentially originating poor designs and wasted effort. For developers, this means that they all have to develop their own approach for dealing with a particular interaction objective using a particular interaction mechanism, leading to extra development effort outside of the core application functionality. However, the current lack of interaction abstractions represents a major obstacle to this vision and to the widespread adoption of interactive features in public displays, for both application developers and users. Third-party application developers would be able to create interactive display applications that would run across the many and diverse displays of the network and interaction would necessarily become an integral part of the whole system. In these scenarios, displays would become a communication medium ready to be appropriated by users for their very diverse communication goals. We envision public displays to progressively move away from a world of closed display networks to scenarios in which large-scale networks of pervasive public displays and associated sensors are open to applications and content from many sources. The fundamental reason why this happens is because display systems are still based on proprietary technology and displays networks are operated as multiple isolated islands, each with its own concepts and technologies. , “At present, there are no accepted standards, paradigms, or design principles for remote interaction with large, pervasive displays.” The problem is that there are no abstractions for incorporating interactivity into public display applications that may help interaction support become a commodity in public displays.
Still, even if creating a particular interactive solution is not in itself a major technical challenge, the approaches used are essentially ad hoc solutions that are specific to one particular system and interaction experience. In general, interaction is clearly recognized as a key feature for public displays in both the research literature and commercial systems, and a very broad range of interaction techniques have been proposed to create all sorts of interactive display systems. Many of those displays are also becoming more interactive, enabling various forms of user engagement, such as playing games, submitting photos, or downloading content. Public digital displays are becoming increasingly ubiquitous artefacts in the technological landscape of urban spaces. Together, these contributions constitute a step towards the emergence of programming toolkits with widgets that developers could incorporate into their public display applications. We identify a new set of interaction tasks focused on the specificities of public displays we characterise interaction controls that may enable those interaction tasks to be integrated into applications we create a mapping between the high-level abstractions provided by the interaction tasks and the concrete interaction mechanisms that can be implemented by those displays. This work takes a first step in that same direction by uncovering interaction abstractions that may lead to the emergence of interaction controls for applications in public displays. There is a clear analogy with the early days of the graphical user interface, when a similar problem was addressed with the emergence of high-level interaction abstractions that provided consistent interaction experiences to users and shielded developers from low-level details.
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However, the lack of interaction abstractions forces each developer to create specific approaches for dealing with interaction, preventing users from building consistent expectations on how to interact across different display systems. Public displays are becoming increasingly interactive and a broad range of interaction mechanisms can now be used to create multiple forms of interaction.